Everyone loves a good joke. So I hope to make you laugh with these soccer jokes!
I know an untidy guy who’s excellent at playing soccer.
What a Messi guy.
Why shouldn’t you play soccer with pigs?
Their ball hogs.
What’s a soccer fan’s favorite lotion brand?
Olay, olay, olay, olay!
Why is Cinderella bad at soccer?
Because she had a pumpkin for a coach.
What do soccer players drink?
What do you call a soccer team’s lunch in the park?
A kick-Nic!
What is a knight’s favorite soccer team?
New Castle
What does Guardiola do at halftime?
He gives his team a Pep talk.
Why was the soccer pitch a triangle?
Because someone took a corner.
Why is Manchester United like a pound coin?
They’re good in the UK, but useless in Europe
What is the difference between a Parrot and FC Barcelona?
A parrot has two decent wings.
Why can’t you play soccer in a jungle?
There are too many cheetahs.
Pessimists see the glass half empty, and optimists see the glass half full, while England never sees the cup.